
Sail Spells by Not Perfect Companies

posted in Packaging  at 7.59 PM from Mr Cup Studio (near Arles) / France
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Jason Carne

posted in Excellence | Graphic  at 2.12 PM from Mr Cup Studio (near Arles) / France
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Jason is a very inspiring lettering artist and graphic designer from Kentucky and he just updates his web site. He is passionate about vintage type and lettering and in addition to his freelance designer career, Jason owns and operates a display type foundry called Carmel Type Co. where he works with some of the finest sign artists in the world to sell unique, decorative typefaces in addition to also running a carefully curated designer resource website called Lettering Library that digitizes antiquarian publications on lettering and sign-painting for the modern day artist. Selection of his projects.
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By H · U · M · A · N ® for humans

posted in Excellence | Packaging  at 10.13 AM from Mr Cup Studio / France listening Red Hot Chili Peppers
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Self-promotional bootles created by Humans for Humans!  :
To celebrate two years since our foundation, we partner up with the amazing illustrator Eduardo Ramon Trejo, to create a series of 3 bottles that we gave to our clients as a gift. The entire process of the illustrations and crafting the bottle was made with all the care and attention that our clients deserve. Each of the labels represents crucial parts of the philosophy at the studio.  The first illustration represents humans and its existence as intelligent and aware beings. Through our intelligence, humans possess the cognitive abilities to learnunderstand, apply logic, and reason, including the capacities to comprehend ideas. The second illustration represents Humanity's universal and enduring interest in space, driven to explore the unknown, discover new worlds, push the boundaries of our limits, and then push further.  The third represents the legacy of humans on earth. Our concern about leaving a legacy we can be proud of. The bottles were produced under a limited stock, they are printed by hand with manual techniques such as blind emboss and foil to highlight the care we have in every project we undertake. 
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Love the use of black, white and copper , just as their identity system.
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Adobe Max 2018 - Day 2 - for the love of print!

posted in Life & travels  at 10.34 AM from Paris / France listening Gang of youths
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Hidden Treasures: the LOST BAUHAUS TYPEFACES

If you do not hear about this project, I invite you to read al the story here. While in Adobe Max last year, Erik Spiekermann presents a wood version of one of the Bauhaus typeface, with a workshop to print them! It was, of course, one of my favorite part of the Max 2018 market. You can find the fonts on Adobe font (which replaces Typekit by the way). Did you know that all the Adobe font are now included with your subscription? Pretty amazing. 
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It was a pleasure to meet Erik in person, and the next step would be to visit the p98a workshop. Discover it in this article.

For the love of (French) paper! 

Like past years, French papers did an amazing job with some free goodies for all attendees! Gold hot foil posters and Draplin postcards! 
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Nice to meet you Studio on fire... finally!

Studio on fire print my first business card 10 years ago! And this year, it was a great moment to meet Ben Lievitz and see the amazing samples and printing plates he brings with him! Yes, Studio on fire print all the amazing T11 decks available in the shop.
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Thanks again to Adobe France for the invitation! Nothing like meeting creatives in real life! Me (or the calendar) with Erik Spiekermann, Ben Lievitz and Yes Chris Do was there too! 
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