
EPHEMERID playing cards

posted in Mr CUP News  at 8.53 AM from Mr Cup Studio / France
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EPHEMERID playing cards
52 cards for 52 weeks of the year, each with a unique design based on my collection of ephemera and feature words of wisdom.
Did you know the origin of playing cards? It was a kind of calendar, with 4 colors for the 4 seasons, with 13 cards for the 13 weeks of each season. 52 cards in total which are the 52 weeks of the year!
EPHEMERA: any items such as tickets or cards that were originally meant to be discarded after use but have since become collectibles.
EPHEMERIDE: French name of a paper calendar that gave you daily information all over the year. From this idea and my collection of Ephemera over the years, I get the idea of the EPHEMERID playing cards: each card comes with a unique design based of my thousands of hand-letters, invoices, bills, tickets, and photos! But I want to add something to it to inspire you. Each card will feature a word of wisdom! Take a random card and let it inspires your day!
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For those who know me, I love letterpress printing. And you will need some coasters for your beers on poker night with friends !
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Rosette Heights

posted in Print  at 12.11 PM from Mr Cup Studio / France
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2 nice projects by Los Angeles designer Andrew Effendy.
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Dan Gretta Design

posted in Excellence | Identity | Packaging  at 4.25 PM from Mr Cup Studio / France listening Eels
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Of course, I love Dan Gretta work! Nice mix of vintage inspiration and modern design! 
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The French type tour !

posted in Life & travels  at 10.08 AM from Mr Cup Studio / France
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It is always a beautiful experience to visit a country or city with someone who lives it every day and who can share his version of the place. This is also the case in the other direction, to be the host and see this place where you have your habits and your routine suddenly become a magical place!
I met Mark E Sacket via Instagram, and through The Type Hunter, Keith Tatum who participated in the calendar this year. Mark shares on his account the hundreds (thousands) of photos from his ephemera collection: papers, advertising cards, packaging ... everything around type! Based in San Fransisco, he has just opened "The Box SF" to show (and sell) all these objects and this is just the beginning of a great project dedicated to the memory of our graphic culture. The following will be events, conferences, workshops ...
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When Mark decided to come to Paris, it was for Bibliomania, a bi-annual ephemera market! The opportunity for me to go "to the big city" and spend 10 hours rummaging through boxes and boxes of travel labels, postcards or old books! We then took the opportunity to visit some timeless stores, the impression of being in the famous "Diagon Alley"!
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A few days after our Parisian escapade, Mark comes to the south, to Arles where I installed Mr Cup Studio 2 years ago now. After digging into my collection, we took the road to Bordeaux, stopping us in Montpellier or Carcassone! We ended our trip in the company of Philippe, one of the authors of the works of Auguste Derrière, to drink wine while admiring his collection of old books of illustrations or the catalog of the world exhibition of 1889 by the fire and surrounded by happy cats!
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I think to develop this idea of "French type tour" because it is always a beautiful moment of sharing in the "real life"! Who would be in? Contact me!