
Nice to meet you : The Yak magazine

posted in Nice to meet you   Monday, 08 October 2012 from Ubud - Bali
The YAK Magazine
When I came to Bali for the first time in may, I dicover THE YAK magazine in a cafe and loved it... I sent a copy back home... When I deceided to came back and said it on facebook, I get contacted by Nigel Simmonds who run the magazine...

It was pleasure to share some time with him and his team last week and their studio (above a tennis court and close to some nice resturants.... Bali working life ! )... I took these pictures of the past issues of the magazine... and bring some wood letters as a gift ;) Hopefully, the name of the magazine is short... I was also funny to see that Nigel team members are addicted to graphic exchange and werre happy to met me ;)
The YAK Magazine
The YAK Magazine
The YAK Magazine
The YAK Magazine
The YAK Magazine
The YAK Magazine
The YAK Magazine
The YAK Magazine
The YAK Magazine
The YAK Magazine
The YAK Magazine