
Working together

I am freelance and I am available for your project. Do not forget the best designers are the ones who find the good clients (or be found by the good clients, you ?). Just email me to get my prices list. Please gave me as much details as possible about your project such as a timeline if you have one...



If you want to drop a general note, comment, complaint...



I am always happy to be surprised by a submited project. Submission must be sent to barral.fabien(a)gmail.com only, not using this form.
But please follow these rules :

  • stay consistant with the content of this blog

  • send me only one image and just point me to your project... I will contact you if I like it.


I do receive a lot of emails, so I just quick review them, and will delete them if you do not follow this rules. I do apologize to be unable to respond to your email !



I love good print and nice paper as you know ! If you'd like send something, please use

BARRAL CREATIONS, 17 rue des serpolets, 34790 Grabels, France.