2017 Movie posters
posted in Movies
Wednesday, 03 January 2018
Mr Cup Studio
(near Arles)
/ France
listening Roger Waters

On these first days of 2018 I wanted to look back and post about best movie posters of 2017. I am happy to said I love the new Star Wars and it is at the images of the posters and design done for it : different and ... red ! Here comes my selection...

For more check the following :
- Lindeman & Associates : Star wars / Strangers things / La la land / Thor
- Henry Erdman : Star Wars / Thor
- James Jean : Mother / Shape of Water / Blade Runner 2049 concept art
- impawards
And also related posts about design for movies :
- Blade Runner by Territory
- Scott Wollston work
- Movie posters 2016
- Movie posters 2014
- Directors posters by Stellavie
- The Grand Budapest hotel
- Lindeman & Associates : Star wars / Strangers things / La la land / Thor
- Henry Erdman : Star Wars / Thor
- James Jean : Mother / Shape of Water / Blade Runner 2049 concept art
- impawards
And also related posts about design for movies :
- Blade Runner by Territory
- Scott Wollston work
- Movie posters 2016
- Movie posters 2014
- Directors posters by Stellavie
- The Grand Budapest hotel