
EPHEMERID playing cards

posted in Mr CUP News   Tuesday, 10 April 2018 from Mr Cup Studio / France
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EPHEMERID playing cards
52 cards for 52 weeks of the year, each with a unique design based on my collection of ephemera and feature words of wisdom.
Did you know the origin of playing cards? It was a kind of calendar, with 4 colors for the 4 seasons, with 13 cards for the 13 weeks of each season. 52 cards in total which are the 52 weeks of the year!
EPHEMERA: any items such as tickets or cards that were originally meant to be discarded after use but have since become collectibles.
EPHEMERIDE: French name of a paper calendar that gave you daily information all over the year. From this idea and my collection of Ephemera over the years, I get the idea of the EPHEMERID playing cards: each card comes with a unique design based of my thousands of hand-letters, invoices, bills, tickets, and photos! But I want to add something to it to inspire you. Each card will feature a word of wisdom! Take a random card and let it inspires your day!
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For those who know me, I love letterpress printing. And you will need some coasters for your beers on poker night with friends !
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