
I am back from Off Festival, my 3td time there and always the same feeling: super inspired! As last year I was invited by Adobe France, who do the things well: putting all these creatives in the same hotel, bus and restaurants can only bring some great ideas! I will talk about that later. Let starts with Vasava. We were invited there to visit their amazing studio. I could not shoot really decent pictures because we were 50 peoples visiting, but I want to found a way to share the experience! I found them on google map, so here come some screen captures!
I already present their great book they design for the Offf festival 2 years ago.

Here comes a small selection of their projects... very small because they have done so much things... Including the great socks they give us (and my daughter stole me at the minute I show them to her)!

Visit the studio here and see more of their work at www.vasava.es