
Here it comes, another beginning, another restart, another reboot, an other brand new year full of promises. Everybody said 2016 was shit because we lost a lot of inspiring and creative artists, but I guess we have to get used to that. I always like to focus on what I have done and what I hope to do instead of "resolutions". You should read this great article by Tobias Van Schneider about his "Anti New Years Resolutions"...
2016 was...
...another great year, full of success and failure. Big success but also bigggggg failure... I won't talk about it because if I have one resolution, it is to share (as much as possible) only the positive and inspiring things. So, at the beginning of 2016, I was getting the keys of the Mr Cup Studio, and was a great idea! Jef Millotte joins me and together we create a brand new portfolio and the new shop (the old one here is still up until February)! We also create 4 issues of Niépi, books, and so much more brochures and identities for clients! And of course the new letterpress calendar (and website)!

With the mediafix team, we create the Walter Magazine Volume 2 and a new website. The magazine is now available worldwide as we show on this map!

2017 will be...
...full of surprises I hope ! My aim is to do the 3td Walter magazine. The plan was to do 2 issues a year but we fail at this resolution! I also want to create a smaller project, more local... have the idea in mind for a long long time! One other 2016 resolution I fail is to do something special for the 10 years of the blog, so I guess it will happen for 2017!
It was also great to meet great people over the year and travel to amazing place such as Italy in Torino and Milano, Barcelona, and San Diego for AdobeMax thanks to Adobe France. Here comes my year in a selection of images!

More on Instagram and thanks for support !