Ty Mattson SND CYN coworking space
In the coming first issue of Walter Magazine, I want to present Ty Mattson coworking space and story behind it. I had the chance to met Ty some years ago, before they transform the place in what become the SND CYN coworking office ! And working on the magazine, Ty send me a lot of high resolution image of his office I want to share now !
In 2 month for now, I will move again ! A new house, in a new part of France I love (Arles), and I hope a new office. Life is always in movement, I need to follow it...
More to see in the coming first issue of Walter magazine ! Pre-order it now at www.walter-magazine.com
Walter magazine news
We are working hard on the Walter magazine first issue, and of course it took more time than planned... why it always took more time than expected... It must be available in about a month now, and you can preorder first issue or suscribe at www.walter-magazine.com
More to show very soon !
Yardstick coffee by Acre
I had the chance to met the ACRE team when I was in Singapore 2 years ago, and Singapore will be the first city hilighted in the coming Walter magazine. Here comes one of their new projects that I discover while prepare the article !