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As I write earlier this year, I had the chance to listen to Piers Faccini latest album during a private session. As soon as he gets them in his hands, Piers comes to the studio to gave me some copies to shoot them for his promo. Having him here, I invite him to drove around Camargue to find a nice spot for some photos, as we did for the previous album. If for 2013 album a nice chair in a cozy room was perfect for the mood of "Between dogs and wolves", the wild landscape of this special area was what we need for "I dreamed an island". It was a crazy weather and we really go at the limit of the south of France to shoot these! It was short because the wind was impossible to fight...
This album is just, in my point of view, a masterpiece. This goes deeply into what Piers can bring to music: a unique mixture of languages, musical language as well as words, with lyrics in English, Arabic, Italian and French. Thanks Piers for all these emotions. 
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This is the video of the single from the album, of course, the "Bring down the wall" image is so important now. Piers did all the video by himself! 



Piers Faccini collaboration

posted in Music  at 8.29 AM from Mr Cup Creative Studio . Arles / France listening Thomas Dybdahl
piers noone mrcup 01
I like the word collaboration: the act of working with others on a joint project. Unfortunately it has a darker meaning in our history but I like it anyway ... I would gave my own definition : pooling everyone's talents to get a result that we can not get alone.

This is what happens with Piers Faccini. I am a graphic designer, yet I've never worked on graphics projects with Piers since he is already working with Uncle O. So Piers put me out of my comfort zone by asking me to take pictures of him and objects that he produces for his label Beating Drums. So my collaboration to his creative work consists in images to sublimate his objects such as his new book / record: a collection of poems with an instrumental music CD that accompanies the discovery of words ...
piers noone mrcup 02
piers noone mrcup 03
Piers Faccini No one's here book and CD via www.mr-cup.com
Piers Faccini No one's here book and CD via www.mr-cup.com
Piers Faccini No one's here book and CD via www.mr-cup.com
Piers is currently recording a new album, and we shared a few hours in his studio to turn his work intro pictures. The result is a series of photos that Piers to present on his site dedicated to the creating process for this new albums that will came out in a few months.
Piers Faccini I dreamed an island recording session by www.mr-cup.com
Piers Faccini I dreamed an island recording session by www.mr-cup.com
Piers Faccini I dreamed an island recording session by www.mr-cup.com
Piers Faccini I dreamed an island recording session by www.mr-cup.com
From Piers post : "There’s one little still life he took that day that really caught my eye. Resting on top of the piano, you can see my Neapolitan frame drum and to the right, an old mandolin I found in Portobello market more than twenty years ago, behind which there’s a photocopy of a C12th Sicilian musician playing a ribab. As the eye is lead left to right and out of the photo, you can see a piece of A4 paper with the chord structure for a song on the new album called “Judith” and my old American auto-harp from the 20’s. Even though I’m not in the frame, It’s as a true a portrait of this album and the working process that I could hope for."
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Piers Faccini I dreamed an island recording session by www.mr-cup.com
Piers Faccini I dreamed an island recording session by www.mr-cup.com
Piers Faccini I dreamed an island recording session by www.mr-cup.com
Piers Faccini I dreamed an island recording session by www.mr-cup.com


Movie posters

posted in Music  at 8.08 PM from Home . Arles / France
Movie posters via wwwmr-cup.com
It's been a long time since I have published movie posters. Here is a very small selection of the latest posters with interesting design and especially outside the usual standards and codes. If a movie poster can be a dream to work on for a graphic designer, film industry has more than binding principles! For example, do a search in google images "trajan movie posters" and you will see the number of film use the Trajan, it's impressive, from Star Wars to Titanic...
After publishing posts about it on facebook, I was referred to the colossal and fun working Christophe Courtois. I mention it after these posters slection, not all are official but they are inspiring !
Movie posters via www.mr-cup.com
Movie posters via www.mr-cup.com
Movie posters via www.mr-cup.com
Movie posters via www.mr-cup.com
Movie posters via www.mr-cup.com
Movie posters via www.mr-cup.com
Movie posters via www.mr-cup.com
I have published thousand posters over the years, you can see them here
- more than 300 in the facebook folder
- a lot of posters in the archives here, here and there
- a more updated selection in my pinterest folder here
Getting back to the work of Christophe Courtois, he made posters compilations ordering by their codes and common points :

the posters "heroes back"

Movie posters via www.mr-cup.com

the "blue bent street with a running man"

Movie posters via www.mr-cup.com

The big heads and small people on the beach

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The yellow posters ...

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... and the red ones

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The publich benches

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The black and white with some fires...

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Walter magazine is real !

posted in Mr CUP News | Identity | Print | Packaging | Design | Graphic | Interior | Music  at 11.12 PM from New Home ! Arles / France
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Almost 2 weeks without posts, which I guess was the longest... well maybe not, almost 10 years since I start this blog ! Anyway, this is a real special post, a post about the last 10 years of blogging in one printed magazine !
I am very pleased with the printing, with the front cover specially, it is black with varnish print of Kevin Cantrell amazing design ! All pre-orders are now sent, as well to people who support the crowdfunding ! Thanks to all of you ! If you do not get you, please check waltermag.com !
At the same time, I move to a new town, a new house for a crazy project I am very proud to be part of... Amazing to met people who share the same thing... Life is beautifull !
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com
Walter magazine by mrcup now available at waltermag.com