Violaine and Jeremy

Projects selection N°11
Time to share a selection of 30 things, projects, ideas I have found over the past weeks... Thanks for the all the orders of, as a lot of you asked, it will be soon available in the shop here too, but for subscription, please check the dedicted web site. Also, all the images and projects that I share on the blog will be on the Walter instagram, while my day to day photos are on the Mr cup instagram.
I always believe everybody know some of the project I discover years ago, you know when you talk to someone and you said the usual "what, you don't know that ?"... So I want to show you one of the project from Stefan Sagmeister that touch me the most, the most crazy, huge, beuatifull of his long list of projects ! It was a great moment last week to (finaly) saw a talk by him, specially one about "beauty".
Let him describes this project : On September 13, 2008 Sagmeister Inc. began the installation of 250,000 Eurocents on Waagdragerhof Square in Amsterdam. Over the course of 8 days and with the help of more than 100 volunteers, the coins were sorted into 4 different shades, and carefully placed over this 300 sqm area, according to a master plan. The coin mural spelled out the sentence “Obsessions make my life worse and my work better.” After completion the coins were left free and unguarded for the public to interact with. Less than 20 hours after the grand opening, a local resident noticed a person bagging the coins and taking them away. Protective of the design piece they had watched being created, they called the police. After stopping the ‘criminal’ the police–in an effort to ‘preserve the artwork’–swept up every remaining cent and carted them away.
Crazy, right ? Watch a video about this here too !
I could have called this post "Nice to meet you Stefan Sagmeister" but it was too short to be really a meeting, too much people went crazy to talk to him after his talk at off ! Like a designer rock star ! Anyway, I gave him the letterpress calendar and ask him to shoot him with it !
Show more of his inspiring work at
and visit his renovated studio with Jessica Walsh in a previous post.