One of my favorite moment of the year: visiting Studio Pression to see the printing of the letterpress calendar. Always great to see a project coming to life like this! More on my instagram!
Sometimes, I am nostalgic of 2006 when I created this blog and I post things on only one place... With my 3 facebooks, 3 Instagram, 2 twitters and all the other way to post it makes me going crazy! Anyway, here is the latest update on the calendar! Printing should start next week and I am happy to say the deluxe edition with fully printed in hot foil thanks to a partnership with Foilco and Senses papers!
I also open on a tempory pre-order shop with Backerkit where you can get the printing plate! It seems as a good idea as only 5 of the 12 plates is still available! I also propose printing proofs of the design you prefer. This will be closed when the calendar is ready so it is only for pre-orders !
Visit it here or click on the images.
And here are more designs I did not share here yet !

For those addicted to nice playing cards design, such as I am, I want to to have these new ones available in the shop! Standards by Kevin Cantrell and Provision! Look at these details! Check the www.mrcup-shop.com

Yes, it is this time of the year! Time of the Letterpress calendar! I can not believe it is already the 9th edition! And as for the past editions, it is now on pre-order on Kickstarter.
I design this new cover and Here are the Deluxe and Standard editions!
The idea behind this is a collaborative project: I ask graphic designer and typographer to create unique works. This year edition will feature exclusive designs by Scotty Russell, Milos Milovanovic, Srdjan Vidakovic, Nikki Mihalik, Viktor Baltus, Cody Petts, Jason Carne, Reno Orange, Salih Kucukaga, Jef Millotte, and Ben Johnston. Some of them are still working on the design and they will be shown as soon as possible!